Quarantine Diaries: Life as a flight attendant


Demoy just celebrated his third year as a flight attendant. Before that, his life was totally different. Demoy was a banker during the week and a realtor on the weekends with no intention of leaving his jobs. But one day, after cancelling a flight, a line from the bottom of the cancellation email piqued his interest. It read, “Would you like to work here?” On a slow day at the office, he applied on a whim. Demoy nailed the interview and got the job offer. This was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up. Now he travels the world for work. He’s even set a goal for himself: visit every country at least once.

“COVID 19 has impacted my work and personal life drastically. It’s the first time in 3 years that I’ve been home for an entire week. It’s been 3 weeks since I last worked.”

Since he became a flight attendant, he has been constantly on the move. Because of quarantine, his personal travel is all cancelled and work isn’t sending him anywhere anytime soon. While he can’t work on his challenge to visit every country,  he’s decided to try whip up a vegan dish every day of quarantine.

Follow @demoydevoy to hear more about life as a flight attendant, travel photos, and—most importantly— vegan recipes.


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